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Forming Knowledgeable, Virtuous American Citizens

The Cavalier Fund

Atlanta Classical is committed to providing our young Cavaliers with the very best education possible, inside and outside of the classroom.
The Cavalier Fund is an annual campaign that supports programs and activities designed to teach skills, shape character, and build friendships outside of the classroom.These programs include teacher appreciation, community engagement, resources for our athletic programs, field trips and retreats, enhancements to the fine arts program, and financial aid.
When you give to The Cavalier Fund, you enhance the education of every student from bright-eyed kindergarteners to seniors preparing to graduate. Together, we are educating knowledgeable, virtuous citizens and equipping our students to live well. 
Thank you for being an important member of the Atlanta Classical Academy family. Developing students in mind and character is only possible because of our vibrant, engaged community of parents and grandparents. 

Join the 2014 Circle! In honor of the school’s founding year, all those who give $2,014 or more by June 30, 2025 will be listed as a member of The 2014 Circle and receive an invitation to the campaign celebration in the fall.

Ways To Give