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Atlanta Classical Academy requires students to wear uniforms to eliminate distractions, to level the playing field, and to remind ourselves that we are doing important work. Students are required to dress according to the appropriate uniform boards below and also to adhere to the dress-related regulations. The uniforms team worked to ensure that uniforms are comfortable, attractive, durable, and affordable. Click below to shop Educational Outfitters, our uniform vendor. Please contact Ian Nugent, assistant upper school principal ( if you have any questions.

Click here to shop

Purchasing Notes

  • When ordering, parents are highly encouraged to have uniform boards in hand.

  • When selecting sizes, please consider that our children are growing!

  • For 5th to 12th-grade girls, the navy gabardine and high school plaid skirts also come in a +4 inches option. If you found yourself going up in size to achieve a longer length but the waist was too big, the +4 option allows you to get the waist size that works best and the needed length.

Policy Notes

  • For boys in kindergarten through 8th grade, uniform (polyester/cotton no iron, reinforced knee) khaki pants and shorts from Educational Outfitters are also authorized.

  • Beginning in 9th grade, all young men are required to wear uniform pants daily.

  • 7th and 8th grade boys may wear shorts during the months of August/September and April/May. Pants are the required uniform attire for the remainder of the school year.

  • All clothing must be clean, reasonably pressed (though we have carefully selected items to minimize the need for ironing), not torn, and in properly fitting condition. Extremely oversized or undersized uniforms are not acceptable. If a child is not wearing the appropriate uniform, or the condition is deemed unacceptable, the parent will be notified and a change of clothing may be required for attendance that day.

  • Students are permitted to wear their own outerwear to and from school and at recess. Only uniform items may be worn in the classroom or in the hallways during school. Students may purchase uniform outerwear (sweaters and fleece) to be worn in the classroom, but these items are not required. 

  • 9th-12th-grade students may not wear Cavalier hoodies inside the classroom on formal uniform days. They may, however, wear them outside and on the veranda. All other uniform outerwear is approved for inside the classroom during formal uniform days.

  • Female students may wear navy tights or leggings under their skirts, including on formal uniform days.


If you do not use credit cards, Atlanta Classical Academy will order the uniforms for you and you can purchase them from Atlanta Classical Academy. Please email if you need assistance.

If you need financial assistance with uniforms, or you need a payment plan, contact We will ensure that the costs of uniforms are not prohibitive for any family.

Used Uniform Sales

The used uniform store will be open periodically throughout the year. During these sales, families can purchase used uniform items at a discount. Donations for the store are accepted at the front office, through donation drives, and during the sales. Donors can choose a voucher to use in the used uniform store or a donation receipt.

Uniform Boards

Click the corresponding link below to access uniform guidelines.