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School Nurse

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health, please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse or counselor by phone or email. To meet with us in person, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.

Phone: 404-369-3500 extension 4


When to Stay Home from School

Coming Back to School After Illness

Medication at School

It is always best to give medication at home whenever possible. Sometimes, a medication may need to be given to the student at school. Nursing Services has a Medication Administration Policy to ensure that medication is given safely at school. You must bring the proper forms in order for any medication to be given to your child at school. Over-the-counter medication must be in the original, unopened bottle that is properly sealed and labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container, which will be labeled with the date filled and all appropriate identifying information

Emergency Medications at School


Hearing and Vision Screening

The State of Georgia requires that all children entering a school in Georgia have an eye, ear and dental screening. These are recorded on form 3300.

We currently do not perform hearing or vision screens in our clinic. For more information about your form 3300 or about screening your child, please contact your pediatrician, eye doctor, dentist, or the Georgia Department of Health.

Form 3300

Health History

For everyone’s health and safety, it is very important for our school nurses to be aware of each student’s health history. Parent’s should thoroughly review and complete the Health History on SchoolMint.

504 Plans and IEPs

Although Nursing Services does not evaluate students for 504 plans or IEPs, we do work hand in hand with parents, students and Student Services to ensure that children with exceptional medical needs are provided a safe and supportive school environment in which to thrive. For more information, please contact Student Services.