School Forms
This directory includes most common Atlanta Classical Academy registrations and forms.
Back-to-School and Orientation Forms
Medical Forms
The following medical forms are included in the Clinic Record & Health History form:
- Asthma Action Plan (en espanol) (2a)
- Authorization for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication by Minor (2b)
- Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan (3a)
- Authorization for Self-Administration of Epi-Pen By Minor (3b)
- School Management of Diabetes Mellitus (4)
- Seizure Action Plan (5a)
- Parent Notification of Protocol for Administration of Diastat (5b)
- Medical Examination Report (6a)
- Health Care Management Plan (6b)
- Student Medical Emergency Plan (6c)
- Medical Statement & Diet Prescription for Meals at School (6d)
- Administration of Medication/Medical Procedures (7)
Change of Address Forms
Athletic Registration and Forms
Withdrawal Form
To obtain necessary withdrawal documents, please contact:
Masheed Hundley, Enrollment Coordinator | | (404) 369-3500