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Infinite Campus

Parents can access their student’s class schedules, attendance records, and grades; and update their contact information through Infinite Campus, the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) student information and communication system.

Click here to log in to Infinite Campus

New Infinite Campus Users

You will need your activation key to create an account. You should have received an activation key along with your students books and materials, but you can also request a portal activation key by clicking on the following link. You will be prompted to enter your child’s student number (which can be found on report cards and high school student schedules), and the last four digits of the student’s SS number and student’s birthdate.

Next, go to the Parent Portal login page here, and click on New User? to activate your account. Enter and submit the activation key assigned to you. Once the Activation Key has been used to create an account, it cannot be used again. The activation key will be verified, and when approved, a screen will prompt the user to create a username and password.

Finally, create your username and password. You will be prompted to re-enter the password in the Verify Password field.  Once verified, click the Create Account button.

If you have multiple students, confirm whether or not you can see the information of all your students in IC. If your child is missing from your account, please contact Diane Holley, our registrar (

If you previously had a Parent Portal account with APS:

You may need to reset your username and password. To do so, click the Forgot Your Password? link on Parent Portal login page and an email will be sent to the address on record. Directions for the password reset process will be included.

Updating Your Contact Information

It is crucial that our system of student records and family data is up to date. We ask that, at the beginning of each school year, families verify or update their contact information. Please also be sure to update your information in the event of an address change or other notable change.

Address changes require an affidavit of residency. Please contact our registrar, Diane Holley ( for more information.

Email and phone information may be updated in the parent portal.

  1. Click here to sign into Infinite Campus.

  2. In the top left corner, click the menu icon to reveal the IC menu, and select More.

  3. Click on Address Information.
    a.  The phone number listed here represents your household’s primary phone. This should be the cell phone of the parent most likely to answer when called. 
    b.  Click Update to make changes, then click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
    c.  If your household address needs to be updated, please contact our registrar, Diane Holley (
    Click < Back to return to the More menu.

  4. Click on Family Information.
    a.  Ensure email and cell phone numbers are correct for each parent. Click Update to make changes, then click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Student Portal

If you have not yet set up your APS Parent Portal in Infinite Campus, we encourage you to do so. Once your Parent Portal account is active, your student has the opportunity to set up his or her own Student Portal. Students simply need to first download the Infinite Campus – Student app on their device with the following instructions:

  1. Enter District Name: “Atlanta City”
  2. Enter State: “Georgia”
  3. Enter User Name: In most cases, this is the First Initial of their first name, last name, and last four digits of their Student ID. The first two initials should be capitalized as in the example – ASmith0224.
  4. Enter Student ID as their password. Student IDs are found on students’ report card.

If you have further questions regarding either the Parent Portal or Student Portal, you may contact Ms. Holley ( or visit this link and request support with the Orange “Let’s Talk” Tab.