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Forming Knowledgeable, Virtuous American Citizens

Musical Arts Curriculum

Lower School (Grades K-6)

The K-6 music curriculum is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of music. Students learn to read and write standard notation, perform through singing and playing instruments, and develop an appreciation for the great masterworks of the Western tradition.

7th and 8th Grade

The 7th and 8th grade core music build on the foundation provided by the K-6 music program. At this level students are developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of music from the master works of Beethoven to the development of modern music with Scott Joplin. Students also put their understanding of music to work as they compose and play six original pieces in the 8th grade using major and minor diatonic scales, chromatic scales, pentatonic scales, and whole tone scales.

Musical Arts Electives

The music elective offerings are an extension of the curriculum and provide students an opportunity to put into practice what they are learning in the classroom. We also seek to provide opportunities that both capture the skill and interest of our students.

Below is a list of electives offered during the 2023-2024 school year.

Piano Elective

Piano students will explore improvisation, composition at the keyboard, efficient practice techniques, and repertoire building. We will develop technical and musical skills necessary for clean, expressive playing. Opportunities for public performance will be provided. 

String Ensemble

The string ensemble is one of our fastest-growing ensembles and we look forward to this ensemble playing at many of our important events at school. Last year the string ensemble competed in the Southern Star competition for the first time and they will continue to participate in strings festivals each year. 

Middle School Choir

The MS choir elective is a compliment to the grade level choirs. Students will be introduced to a wide array of choral genres and will have the opportunity to be challenged by pieces that are more suited for an elective choir. We will also continue to develop our sight reading skills which will provide opportunities to perform at LGPE as well as prepare student to audition for All-State choir.