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Forming Knowledgeable, Virtuous American Citizens

Upper School

In the Upper School, students build on foundational curriculum and cultural literacy they developed in the Lower School. Our desire for each of our students is that, when they cross the stage on graduation day, they are prepared to live awake to their own value and responsibility. We desire that they may not live merely as productive workers, but as knowledgeable, virtuous citizens. We desire that they continue seeking the truth, goodness, and beauty to be found, just as we have taught them.

Upper School Academics

Student Services Department

The following services are available to ACA students to assist them academically. To discuss eligibility for these programs, see the contact information below:
ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages)
Support for students who are English language learners.
Ms. Hendley (K-12) - 
504 Plans
Intended for students with medically documented disabilities (temporary or long-term) who may benefit from accommodations at school. 
Mrs. Boyd (Grades 7-12) -
IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Intended for students who qualify for special education services and would require an individualized education plan.
Mrs. Nash (Grades K-12) -
If you have any questions or concerns regarding additional academic support or services for your child or if you have not shared information about a previous plan that was in place for your child, please reach out to Ms. Messiah (Grades K-12) -