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Forming Knowledgeable, Virtuous American Citizens


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Forming Knowledgeable, Virtuous American Citizens

The mission of Atlanta Classical Academy is to develop students in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.

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What Is Classical Education?

Classical education attends to a young person’s heart and mind by leading them toward moral and intellectual virtue. It offers students the accumulated wisdom of the “best which has been thought and said,” and liberates them to learn what is true, do what is good, and love what is beautiful.

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The application for the 2025-2026 enrollment lottery will open January 2025. Attend an information session to learn more about our curriculum, school culture, and how you can apply. 

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Learn the true. Do the good. Love the beautiful.

We know that when parents look at their child, they don’t see a little executive, lawyer, or computer programmer. They see the most priceless gift they've ever been given. So do we. That’s why we offer an education for the mind and heart so that students may live not merely as productive workers, but as knowledgeable, virtuous citizens.

Join us in learning the true, doing the good, and loving the beautiful at Atlanta Classical Academy.


Our Virtues

Courage, Courtesy, Honesty, Humility, Perseverance, Self-Government, Service


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